Transference of Properties - tool for connection

Body: Rachel Sweeney, Dartmoor, Devon UK. Creator: ROCKface (Orr & Sweeney) during Mapping Project, March 2007.

The softness of this environment - the grass between her fingers, the twigs above her head, the only tree for miles, shelters her from the open, wild moor - is reflected in the softness of her cheeks, eyes, mouth, touch. This is the transference of properties.
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You Only Need Your Skeleton ... B O N E S ...

TRE Task 2 - : For Marnie from Carla
Look at the skeleton in relation to the centre. Observe what is the effort of your muscles.

Taken from Feldenkrais:
You can rely on your skeleton to move rather than relying on a muscular action. The format and the connections of the bones with the muscles and ligaments and tendons. So the effort that I make and how I make it. WOrking in training - indoors environment.
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A Meeting of Two Bodies: Me & Tree

TRE Task 2 -
Approach as an encounter between two bodies

Task for Carla whilst at Frank van de Ven Bodyweather choreographic / body|landscape workshop: Focus on continuing work with encounters between tree body and my body

Marnie proposes Carla to focus on the difference and the transition between passiveness and action in terms of the transference of properties between the two bodies.

What are the properties that you engage with?

working on: hanging body,surfaces, climb

how I can work my senses to prepare my body
Based from ROCKface workshop at CCANW - blindfold activity and stamina. My senses were more alive. Physically prepared to work on tree. Risking going higher. Body contact with tree greater, to hang and fall

mix of passivity and activity to fall.
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Transnational Research Exchange - Centre through Muscular Response

Focusing on my centre:
Only yet exploring the question from training sessions in studio.
It was about strength / my power base.
My ability to go where I want. To be versitile in terms of body action.
Could go further - direct - deeper in the movement within MB Bodyweather MB training indoors, not leading
"constantly re-engaging with myself through the centre"
constantly reflection in action - and knowledge in action.
it is a memory
This is an imaging. I cannot see insode myself,
A constant re-collection, many many times a day, moment by moment.

where is your centre?
lower torso

had an early recognition ( as child) of 'requiring' - engaging abdomnals
understood the abdomnals muscle action towards spide / work with breathinh
centre is a movement inwards and outwards
3 points - belly naibow - pelvic floor - alow 3 draws up - triangule
I experienced a full change in my stance.
My recent experience in a training (indoors) environment, I have found I also have this movement around my girdle from the back and up. This as a third movement. Brilliant.
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External Locus of Control - WIND

Body state variations in focusing on the presence of wind. Movement Lab 09. Creator: Marnie Orr. Bodies (L-R):Caitlin McLouglin; Michelle Outram; Justin Morrissey. City Beach, Perth, Australia, Jan-Feb 09.
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Workshop : 'Urban Interaction by a Movement Ensemble'

This workshop happened on the 16th May/09, and was my initial investment to begin this movement research. With this research I want to create a collective action which moves through the city. I want to investigate which changes happen in the perception of the body and the city dynamics and for that, I imagine that a large number of people would be effective.

In this first workshop I had only 5 people who worked together for a couple of hours. Although it wasn't enough to fully develop my initial proposal, it was the beginning to create a medium to organize my queries and thinking about the strategies of working to be used.

Body work : I tried to create simple physical tasks that could be accessible and could lead to the development of a bigger complexity within the group working together. The basic elements I worked on were:

- sense of gravity / body weight
- visual sensory, peripheral and direct focus
- sense of position, kinesthesia
- awareness of movement as moving as a group
- awareness of the space

I worked with these activities:
- catching and throwing a ball: warm up which progressively increases stamina, work with sense of gravity, visual sensory, awareness of space and group.
- somatic warm up: warm up which work with sense of gravity and grounding.
- rolling-sitting-standing-walking: work with sense of positioning, weight distribution, sense of gravity, use of different speeds and directions.
- group walks : awareness of the space / moving as a group / awareness of the timing of the group to stop and go.
- working with the idea of the group as a 'fish shoal'.
- working with the idea of the group to 'condensate'.
- working on creating a group vibration which initiates through stamping feet on the ground.

In this work I consider essential to have a specific activity that leads to observe the stimuli that the city informs the body, (in a de terminated road over set period of time). I didn't have the opportunity to develop this activity in this first workshop. Also, I couldn't develop activities to observe changes in awareness passing from studio to the space outside and vice-versa. We did the body work in the studio and went directly outside to perform two trajectories on the Liverpool Road, Islington, London.

Marnie, from the task you gave me, working with pedestrian body, I selected the properties: speed relation, weight distribution, density and tension. The result from this workshop is the beginning to format how I'll use these properties, so the parameters of each activity need to be more defined.

I was interested in creating 'density' and 'tension' within the group actions 'condensate' and 'vibrate'- vibrating through stamping feet on the ground. A simple action of getting all the group together to 'condensate', first of all, needs to break down people's ideal of personal space ( and this is a different experience for each individual and within different cultures). Again, the work needs to be develop over a much longer period of time and to have more precise parameters from the very beginning. I think that the idea of 'vibrate' has a good potential through the stomping feet, specially if working with a direct, focused and increasing intensity. I'd like to experiment doing this with a large group that 'condensate' to the extreme and start to 'vibrate' from there.

Many thanks to Cilas, Derek , Jane, Lauren and Romi for volunteer in this first workshop.
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water reeds echo in fingertips
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Simple relation is beautiful
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Practising intercontinentally and working / meeting online

We'll set tasks to each other, choosing something to work on that relates to where we already are in our investigative process.
Sunday10May2009 11:25

Marnie to Carla
Marnie working towards a task for Carla:
Pedestrian Body -
What are the physical charactristics of a pedestrian body?
Describe these characteristics according to the physical properties
weight distribution
speed relation
Sunday10May2009 11:26

Carla to Marnie
Marnie, you work is about terrain and adaptations to the terrain, imersivity, changes body states.
Sunday10May2009 11:35

Marnie to Carla
In reflection I now recognise the very different focuses between Dartmoor, InVivo and the Aus-based projects.
Sunday10May2009 11:36

Marnie to Carla
I recognize in our work these principles of practice:

Carla to Marnie
yes. and also process driven
Sunday10May2009 11:37

Marnie to Carla
These are the foundations of all the body/environment explorations.
But the FOCUS has been different
InVivo was more about the group
Sunday10May2009 11:40

Dartmoor was about: proprioception | kinesthetic relation | mapping
Sunday10May2009 11:43

Kalamunda/Bridgetown was about: individual process | relation to the environment as a person - inhabitation, just being there. Very different from the intensive internal/sensory relation. But a relation outwards - bringing the self out of the body - maybe about identity???
Sunday10May2009 11:43

Carla to Marnie
Working about Terrain works with the idea of country (in the aboriginal concept) - how the body inhabits terrain but terrain not only as surface but earth/environment
Sunday10May2009 11:43

Marnie to Carla
it's meaning
Sunday10May2009 11:44

Carla to Marnie
With the idea of terrain, I'm thinking about the centre of the body with earth, not just at surface - inhabiting terrain at a macro level. Not just surface of my feet.
as compared to
inhabiting terrain - related to the earth, not based on surfaces. Centre of the body, centre of the earth.
Work around this is working with the centre of the body.
Also - Terrain does not need to be in relation to the surface eg of my feet - but eg with the trees...?
Sunday10May2009 11:49

Carla to Marnie: I'm always coming back to looking in space - always changing the gravitational direction
Sunday10May2009 11:52
Marnie is working with process driven but working towards specific outcome
Marnie Orr
Sunday10May2009 11:57

Marnie to Carla: presence | identifying properties to be able to work with them eg. speed = direction - angles - timing - | walking boy | gaze | relation = extension | BASIC TRAINING rather than creative process. Not so internal. Looking at strategies.
eg. Exeter workshop @ CCANW --> creative. Blindfold, individual work - we got to a point of deep experience with the participants. I don't think that was so evidnt even in the 5 weeks of work. Or, it occurred, but it wasn't at a precise moment. It happenned accumulativly, eg. especially with Maitland.
Sunday10May2009 12:00

Marnie to Carla: The focus was broad and changing. We presented 3 times, in very different circumstances, in very different sites. We are building a palette of experience, rather than intensive inward moments as was with the CCANW workshop.
Sunday10May2009 12:03

Carla to Marnie
This is your task: how your body can inhabit terrain working phisicaly with your centre and observing your presence in the environment
Marnie Orr
Sunday10May2009 12:04
Can you be more specific?
Sunday10May2009 12:05

working with my centre to give the direction and speeds and diff qualities in realtion to terrain - different textures of terrain - work physically with a specific focus.
Sunday10May2009 12:06

Carla to Marnie
These are your questions:
what changes happens with your presence in the environment when choosing a specific focus? your centre?
Sunday10May2009 12:07

then you maybe can see how you work with your presence in the environmet when NOT having a specific focus
Sunday10May2009 12:08

Marnie to Carla
I'm relating this to MACRO | MICRO investigation
Sunday10May2009 12:09

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